Feb 6, 2012

Some Get Snow Days, We Get Wave Days…

Monday, February 6, 2012

This morning we all woke up super early because the boat was rocking so much.  My room is the 4th from the front of the boat so I get to ride the waves completely up and down, up and down, up and down.  Since we just entered the open ocean for the first time in over a week, people would still have a little trouble adjusting to the normal rocking of ocean… However, we’ve been plowing through a storm ever since we exited the Amazon.  Today has definitely been the most intense though!  Our 4th floor window is nearly touching the water as we rock side to side.  Our books are sliding all over the place, everything in the shower and cabinets is rolling around the bathroom, and my friend next door was actually woken up by the giant picture on the wall by her bed falling on her.  Everyone is so seasick that they actually canceled classes.  I felt a little seasick earlier, but for the most part I’ve been alright (knock on wood).  I think its because the rocking is so extreme that its not the constant subtle rolling that made me sick before.  When you walk down the halls everyone looks like schools of fish because of their synchronized stumble from one side of the room to the other.  I’m supposed to play in a basketball game tonight at 5… not sure how that’s going to work. But I do know on thing, if we do end up playing, I will most likely spend the majority of the time on either my face or my rear end (thank goodness I’ve been eating two packs of m&m’s a day so I’ll have a little extra cushion to fall on)!

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