Jan 20, 2012

Friday January 20th 2012

Ok I wanted to write a lot tonight about everything that we have done, but now the combination of looking at this computer screen and our first night at sea is making me so sea sick so I’m going to keep this short or else its not going to be pretty.  Yesterday morning I said goodbye to the boys and boarded the ship.  We were originally supposed to leave around 12 but there were 23 students who were in Florida still trying to get visas.  We waited and waited and then waited some more for those students until they finally got here tonight at 8 and we took off right after they boarded.  All we did was orientation stuff today so not going to lie it was pretty boring.  But tonight was pretty fun.  It was our first few hours and sea and everyone was just happy to finally be moving.  We signed up for clubs and activities also.  I signed up for a million things so we will see what I actually end up doing.  I signed up for basketball, volleyball, ping pong (watch out Richie), yoga, zumba, and to get an adopted family.  There are around like 50 couples (mostly retired) that are getting to cruise with the ship and sit in on classes, etc.  So what they do is they pair you and about 3 other students up with one or two adults and they are your “family” while on the boat… kinda cool.  Well I’m going to go take all of my seasick medicine now and try to go to bed as my mattress slides back and forth in my bed frame.  

1 comment:

  1. AHH SYD wish I were in your suitcase :o) You're going to have such an awesome time!! The whole family thing is pretty cool. I get seasick too!! If your medicine doesn't help maybe think about getting a patch. They work really well. I wore one when I did Sail The Caribbean years ago and also on Spring Break one year. xox
