May 30, 2013

Amsterdam Day 2

Sorry I haven't been posting my blog entries at the same time that I write them. I've just been having to wait until I get Internet. But here's what I wrote after our 2nd day in the great city of Amsterdam...  When we woke up this morning it was once again freeeeeeezing cold inside the houseboat and outside. Apparently our hot water and our heat were both broken so it was around 53 degrees in the boat! This along with the jet lag make it nearly impossible for me to get out of my war bedmate finally around 11:30 I became a semi functioning human being and was able to crawl out of bed. And by 12 we set out to wander around the city. We read about a cafe called Poco Loco that was supposed to be good so we looked up the address and set off to find it. We weren't in any rush so we just casually wandered around the area near the central station until we found it. We had an awesome brunch and even got mimosas. No one in the restaurant had any idea what they were and laughed when we tried to explain it. After a hardy meal we wandered around the center of Amsterdam pretty much all day and I took wayyyyyy too many pictures. It was such a relaxing/exhausting/fun/exciting afternoon. We eventually stumble across the "I Amsterdam" letters and took some classic touristy photos. After wandering around some more we found the flower market which was right along one of the canals. Dad would have loved all the different roots and seeds and wide variety of plants. I know he would be asking what each and every seed or root was. After wandering around the market some more and confusingly examining the "grow your own cannabis starter kits" that were casually sold at every flower stand, we stopped in a small cafe to rest and dry off from the rain. We sat in the window eating our apple pie and sipping on hot coffee while watching the people walk by. 1 apple pie and 4 cappachinos later we decided to to head back to the houseboat. It's kinda a long trip from the center of town to where we are staying but I like being further away. It's not too too far and we get to see a lot by taking the buses and trams in and out of town. While riding the tram home, in true William and Sydney style we decided to find somewhere else to eat. We found a diner like place right next to the windmill where we are staying. I got a delicious falafel wrap and a local beer from the brewer/windmill next door. Because this is such a residential area no one at the diner or brewery were tourists. Most people were stopping by on their bikes after a long day at work. It's was a really cool atmosphere. Now we are back t the houseboat, the heat is working again and all I can say is I need a shower some kinda bad! It's also already 9:30 and the sun is STILL hasn't started to set yet!
PS... Dad you were definitely right (as always)... I should have brought a rain coat! No worries though I bought a nice long, warm one. There's a huge storm over all of Europe right now so I'm pretty positive it's gonna get some good use this trip! 

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